Hear ye, hear ye! The Lord of the Nerds summons you to attend a year end event!
We have just over 7 weeks left in the year, and I am issuing each of you in my Followers list a challenge. (Also every single other person on this whole site, model, hopeful, porn star, internet sensation, member, admin, photographer, cat, unicorn, demon, etc.) I have included everyone in my Followers list, even the ones who have fallen, because I still consider them part of our community.
We have all noticed how little activity there is on the SG site as of late, and I’d like to see if all of us can move that needle. I don’t know if it is quiet because everyone is busy, or if no-one knows what to post, or if people are afraid of posting content that can be ‘borrowed.’ The “Best of SG” feed has gaps for hours and hours and no member posts at all, and the “Everything” feed is not much better. This isn’t me attacking anyone, I’m just pointing out a truth.
My challenge is thus: Post 7 separate posts about the topics I shall list below, in any order. You can post them all on the same day (careful not to spam), or space them out a week apart. You can make them just a photo, a video of you discussing it, share a YouTube video, make a blog, or whatever else you so choose, just so long as it is a SFW post on SG, and isn’t just a text title. It’s a safe way for us to fill content and to let everyone know a bit about us. Like a Homework assignment, but with the freedom to create as the mood hits you. Or like a dreaded questionnaire that spans 7 posts. If you are normally a silent person here on SG, I'm sorry, because I'm absolutely asking you to step out of your comfort zone to do this.
I tried to cover different realms of art and creativity with the list. While I am aware that some of these topics may not be an area of interest for everyone, I would ask that you at least cover something in the same realm. Like, if you don’t like video games, then talk about a favorite board game.
Please tag me once you make the post. I’d love to see your choices. Truly. Plus, tag whomever else you'd like to, to try to get them engaged.
1. Tell us about one of your favorite songs of all time.
2. What is a piece of art that you have, or would love to have, hanging on your wall or sitting in your house?
3. One of your comfort movies/series that you have seen more than 3 times.
4. A video game that you have spent the most of hours playing.
5. A book or book series that you love.
6. Tell us a joke that cracks you up, or share a meme that always makes you laugh.
7. What is one of your favorite simple meals from your childhood that you still love today?
or a potential replacement question to sub in: Tell us about something you have created that you love.
And now for the tags. If your name doesn’t appear here, then you should probably start following me. 😉
@adam_bovary @adelehandy @ajsul @alessagoreng @alexislust @allouraborealis @altstudiocanada @amra @andrea_arcore @angeladawn @annyx @ariell @arroezze @arthemis @artsbytiago @aschiron @asiri @atomicbuzzsaw @autumn @ayanami @aylaa @aymi @babybi @basseshigh @becca @beckyie @beckyislame @belladonna @bellavez @berlin_2013 @bitterashell @bloomie @bob_dylan @boozenblood @bradmax @brothermercurius @brubs @burden_in_my_hand @capsblazem @captainmcbarky @carahmaisie @carolfit @celtic_ben @cerebus666 @chikitina @chloeblossom @cillyphreak @creamynal @crystalparadis @csattig @daisiraw @darcydiamond @dariseyes @daylove @deedlit @dgmartin @dicentra @dollypanda @dragonet25 @dreblacksheep @elissa_nyx @elixic @eminerale @emyemy @erissa @eva_naughtygirl @fluffrowe @frenchiecam @fullfeeling @gaja @gazpachox @haub @headshot @helainked @hellstorm @heltyna @hotdoguk @inana @inkedodie @isinc @iwasagain @jacquidaniels @jadestone @jason7 @jecht @jjtjames5x @johnnydiscard @jozsef @juliju @kali_raven @kalistuh @kamila @kayymatti @kiley @kingofcool @kittyfromhell @kmink @krissi @ksew @ktstrange @kungfury @ladaniess @lallupyon @lawless @leighgabriel @lioncourt @litlmia @littlejohn22 @lolahendrix @lordsofia @luie @lunarey @luxes @lynncattiff @maciel @manfredini @mapetite @marilol @maryalley @maryhart @mataro @meganflower @melusine2908 @metalfreak @mhel @mihrimah @miki_eldenegro @milenamaria @milichu @mina @minuminula @missy @mistify @mistressmasterjade @mistressshey @mjc1225 @monipsycho @mordvekna @mosquito73 @moxy @mrkev79 @msutopia @musii @mycandyalice @mzrizstretto @nannakya @nebula @nerwen @nikikat33 @nikkidelmosh @nilin @olgakulaga @origami @pastrypeach @penny @phianixx @phlegmon @pointman11 @psichedelia @psylunar @radiocannibalmythos @rainedemure @rare @rayneday @rayray_raiai @realwildangel @rhosigma1548 @richsquared @robertbluesman @robynlee @romous117 @samihain @samis @sammiii @sdawg74 @seitan @sheashannara @shenzy @silentobjectorx @skisby @smashcls @sorcerer333 @spameater @spectral_line @stacyb @star @starry @starwatchersilverstar @stellamyldred @stephencreative @svetlanna @taimi @tallco @tarot @tastyzombie @tc_nikon @tdye875 @tempest16 @thanatoz @thedamned1634 @the_jabberwock @thekinkywitch @throat_punch @tintanankin @tommylee3069 @total_doll @tr21sa @tramais @ubunoir @uncleasbestos @unita @uruviel2001 @v3n3vinus @vaneskka @vegandemon @vithen @warrior311 @weedfarmer @wizard0 @wolfwood1203 @xxwhisperxx @yahashikary @yazhou @zappyaze @zarawolf @zebrah @zwina and someone who should follow me: @kyrie .
Please don't make me having to type out each name be a waste of my time. Have some fun with this, my friend. I hope this makes it to front page to get more engagement.
Peace and love all!