Honestly, I am quite reluctant to participate in this, simply due to the fact that I love so many Hopefuls. By picking any one I find fantastic, it feels like I’m *not* picking 20 others that I also find fantastic.
Ultimately, I decided that participating was for the good of the whole community and vibe, so I narrowed my selection process way down from “Ye gods, she’s amazing,” to “Ye gods, she’s amazing, … AND we’ve had some long and interesting discussions.”
To that end, my first pick is @skitten . This beautiful lady has such a sweet and shy demeanour that it really catches you off guard when she goes naughty. She’s smart, does her research, and is not afraid to speak her mind.
It doesn’t hurt that she is sensuous, beautiful and a great conversationalist. Check out her debut set “Tight-laced” and see what I mean.
I am a huge fan of her and I also consider her my friend. Please help me in showing her some love.
Thanks to you my friends, and my future friends!