I believe that if you do more than expected for people , your level of expectation is increased . I also believe that if this is the case , your level of recognition should also be increased . Unfortunatly , most people become used to the fact of over exceding expectations and instead of incouraging others to do the same they tend to rely on you for the majority of their problems that others could do . Being the "go to guy " can be a great feeling , but is easily overbearing at times . If your actions wher a reflection of expectations , shouldn't others be able to see ? I can only hope that what I do for people will pay off , and my actions will reflect my capabilities to the right people , and not those who are here to take advantage .
More Blogs
Sunday Oct 29, 2006
when I was about 16 some asshole told me never to quit a job until I … -
Wednesday Oct 25, 2006
The more peopel I meet , ( physically ) the more people I dislike . I… -
Monday Oct 16, 2006
Today I found myself in an arument with somebody about porn . She con… -
Thursday Oct 12, 2006
I'm not sure what day it is but it feels like monday . I haven't had … -
Friday Sep 08, 2006
Why is it that when a person leaves the place that they lived people … -
Monday Sep 04, 2006
The Hospital is definately fucked up . I went back to get pics of the… -
Friday Sep 01, 2006
anyone for ghost hunting? I had a call to pick up a wreck in centra… -
Thursday Aug 31, 2006
someone needs to do something about there not beeing any strip clubs … -
Tuesday Aug 29, 2006
Stupid hurricane . Everytime a tropical storm comes toward FL. people… -
Sunday Aug 27, 2006
What the fuck ! Why does it seem like the whole fuckin world is depre…