Can anyone really taste the difference between food grilled over charcoal instead of propane ? I'm not sure if it's so much what the food is cooked over , so much as who cooks it .
More Blogs
Thursday Mar 01, 2007
A tip if your want to get out of your car payments and have gap . Ste… -
Tuesday Feb 27, 2007
Don't know if anyone follows the news , But a couple of years ago a k… -
Saturday Feb 17, 2007
I'll start by saying , " If you dump someone via text message , th… -
Saturday Feb 03, 2007
Did you know that if you don't pay your car payment your car will g… -
Tuesday Jan 30, 2007
It's cold as hell in south FL . That is all . … -
Sunday Jan 21, 2007
If I ever find " TOM " from myspace I'm kidnapping him . Then I 'm go… -
Wednesday Jan 17, 2007
Note : don't live with people who put weed before the power bill . It… -
Sunday Jan 14, 2007
As I'm sure you all know Adelphia is now Comcast . If your asking you… -
Wednesday Jan 10, 2007
I hate this time of year . As soon as it starts to get cold everyone … -
Monday Jan 01, 2007
Happy new year . Hope everyone had a good time , and didn't get in tr…