Mondays are crap . I think the rotation of the planet changes , to which nothing good can come from a Monday . If something good does happen it is overwhelmed by something crappy . I believe the work week should start on Tuesday . Tuesdays are generally boring . Thus the chances of bad circumstances are very slim . I suggest Monday being an optional work day . If you feel witty than go to work . If you feel like crap or stub your toe on the way to your car in the morning than call in . I'm going to use the phrase " Bad Monday " . So if your boss calls and asks if your coming into work just reply with " No , it's Bad Monday " .

yeah im fine.. nursing my tat and getting some stuff ready for my mom and what not..
smoke signals? hahaha... stupid!
im the worst person to get a hold of... but i think im gonna be free this weekend.. haven't gotten called in to work yet.. we'll see..
what you been up to?
i definitely will.. hahahha.. crunk... stop watching MTV its bad for you!