Someone said I was a spiteful person . WTF !!! The way I see it , if your an asshole toward me , and I make it so your life is a living hell , then you deserve it . It's not my fault that someone I have an absolute hatred for illegally parked their car in a lot that I hold the contract to . They have no reason to be mad at me for waiting for them to do so , and taking their ride 30 second after they parked . She said I should have warned her because she was getting take out . Now it's my fault that her food is cold ?! Fuck that !! Can't read , tuff luck bitch . My response to her was " karma's a bitch " , " bitch " . Hahaha . " Now pay me my money " . The best is she got sushi . Dumb bitch , I don't know about anyone else but I like my sushi cold . People need to rethink spite and make sure it's not revenge . "To be spiteful is childish , to have revenge is fullfilling" . Write that down .
Be easy , my damies .
Fred Fredburger has spoken .
Be easy , my damies .

Fred Fredburger has spoken .
Have a nice day, you spiteful person