I've read alot of other peoples blogs to see what other kinda of weird ass mofos are on this site . Holy fucking shit , I believe that a lot of the guys on this site were born without balls . "you take my breath away " WTF!! You fucking pussy mother fucker . Or the " your cool " . If you write this shit without sarcasim you suck . I wonder if after they write this shit they question what they wrote after its sent . This is the kinda shit that the guy that has no life and sits on the computer all the time writes in hopes that one of these girls might , in some fairytale land , be the girl of their dreams . Wake the fuck up , moron ! Kate Moss talks funny ........... Right , what the fuck , this is pathetic . I'm actually mad that these guys are this metro sexual . I think that the SG's that had these comments could probably kick the shit out of these guys , mabye thats why they seem like such pussies .
So are Hooters models gonna be on here next ? Since I guess tats and piercings arn't a part of the agenda anymore .
Be easy.
So are Hooters models gonna be on here next ? Since I guess tats and piercings arn't a part of the agenda anymore .
Be easy.

Counting the days until tow truckapalooza!