People that make remix's for the radio should really listen to the crap they make . Fuck every one I hear is a bunch a slaughtered crap ! These fucks need to be locked in a room for days and just listen to their crap until they realize their ideas suck horribly . And to think these mindless fuck call themselves musicians . Hahahaha . The original artists should be able to beat the shit out of these idiots for fucking up their music.
Taking other peoples shit and mixing it with other shit isn't art , nope it's crap . At least most of the stuff on the radio is . I will admit some people can do this and do it good . I believe their called editors . Yeah , thats it editors . Not Jerk offs with a computer and Lime Wire ! If you cant count in time you can't play an instrument , you can't sing , you can't dance , ( though you might think you can , you can't . trust me ) , and sure as shit can't be a fucking DJ ! If this stuff applies to you quit fucking with the radio! There is a place for your crap ! It's called Myspace . Thats where a lot of other crap that no one wants to listen to is . I know because shitty bands send me shitty music all the god damn time .
Taking other peoples shit and mixing it with other shit isn't art , nope it's crap . At least most of the stuff on the radio is . I will admit some people can do this and do it good . I believe their called editors . Yeah , thats it editors . Not Jerk offs with a computer and Lime Wire ! If you cant count in time you can't play an instrument , you can't sing , you can't dance , ( though you might think you can , you can't . trust me ) , and sure as shit can't be a fucking DJ ! If this stuff applies to you quit fucking with the radio! There is a place for your crap ! It's called Myspace . Thats where a lot of other crap that no one wants to listen to is . I know because shitty bands send me shitty music all the god damn time .

I wish i was big enough to punch peoples 
