I checked my myspace today and found a bulletin that said a bands warehouse was robbed for every thing late last night . Usually I wouldn't care about something like this but a lot of my shit is in there . The warehouse is used for two bands to practice in . I used to be in one of them and still have my drums and some other equipment in there . After I read the bulletin I drove all the way out there to find a note on the door reading April Fools . Mother Fuckers ! I hate this fucking day ! I think I'm going to go there tonight in a box truck and take everthing . I'll leave the truck outside in front of the building , repost the bulletin , and wait for these fuckers to come down and see their warehouse empty . Who ever created "april fools day " I hope is rotting in hell for eternity .
That is like the best one I've heard. I didn't even know it was April Fools Day. I always forget it.