I had some of my friends over Saturday night , and apparently I'm not cool anymore . Hahaha . Theses girls think it's cool to smoke out of a hooka . Mabye it is , I don't think so though . I watched them set this catastrophy up for about 30 min . Mind you I was pretty lit so it seemed like an hour and was getting aggrivated about their novice skills . I remember kids in high school trying to smoke from one of these pieces of shit and everyone was try to hit it at the same time . In the end nobody got high . It sure seems a lot easier to smoke from a bong or a bowl . I'm a firm believer in " easier is better " specially if you end with the same result . What made things worse is that after all the effort put into setting this garbage up they smoked tobacco out of it . Oh wait sorry " flavored tobacco " . What the fuck ? This isn't cool ! I don't care who you are this shit is fucking gay ! What the fuck has the new generation come to ? If I saw this shit happening at a party I would slap the shit out of someone for being so fucking retarded . " Flavored tobacco thats sooooo cool " . FUCK YOU YOU FUCKING FAIRY YOU ARE NOT FUCKING COOL , YOU ARE RETARDED !!!!!! What happened to weed ? Do they not grow it anymore ? I'm told the tobacco doesn't get you high . Gee , what a surprise . Kids these days are soft . Little punk bitches . To think they told me I wasn't cool because I refused to smoke out of this thing . I remember when it was cool to get drunk and beat the shit out of someone because they were being stupid . ( like smoking out of a hooka ) Apparently it's only cool and fun to me and my friends now to get drunk and have worthless fights . I say the next generation needs a good talking to . Cause they way it's looking our future is going to be infested with a bunch of pussies and bitches . So the next time you see some little punk kid trying to be cool and acting like a bitch slap the shit out of them and tell'em to " tighten up bitch!! "
Be easy
Be easy

trust me man.. Zero knows who is boss... I've trained dogs all my life I am the fucking alpha male thru and thru... I'm not training him because he just came out of a shelter but he still eats when i say and pees when i say goes to bed when i say.. He's very polite and enjoys having someone to submit to my whole blog was about how scared he is of men... I'm just scared that he is past the point of rehabilitation.. He is two years old and if you beat me everyday for two years i would fucking never want to be touched again and would attack too... you know?