Don't know if anyone follows the news , But a couple of years ago a kid was shot on a mans door step . The kid was 16 and was prank knocking the mans house at around 12:00 am . He had been doing this for about 30 mins. or so . The last time he went to the door the man opened it and shot him .
Now thats how the news portrays the story to be . However , the news failed to mention that this kid was about 6' and was built like a grown man . They also failed to mention that this man been robbed before , as well as the fact that this kid had been in trouble numerous times before for mischief of this nature and that the police had caught him earlier that evening and instructed his parents to keep him at home . Not abiding by the police officers warnings he decides to go back out and be an asshole ! Thus resulting in his death .
In defense of the man on trial if someone was fucking with my house at 12:00 am and I opened my door to see some big fuck running at me I would have shot him as well . This mans biggest fuck up is that he didn't call the police first . Had he done that and said he was in fear for his life he probably wouldn't be in so much shit for killing this asshole .
The kid was bullying this guy knocking on his windows and doors trying to scare him . The man thought someone was trying to break into his house . This kid couldn't get it through his head that he was destine for trouble earlier that evening . Fuck I hate stupid people ! This man doesn't deserve to get put away for murder . The kids parents should be on trial as well since they were supposed to keep their stupid son in the house . This kid was a victim of his own demise . Plain and simple . I don't believe he deserved to die that night but it happened . It happens all the time because people make stupid decisions , and they all made stupid ones that night , the kid , his parents and the man .
A lot of people think we shouldn't have guns . They believe that situations like this wouldn't happen if we weren't allowed to have them . For the most part their right . Stupid situations like this wouldn't happen , but these people need to take into consideration that one of the reasons this country hasn't been invaded is because so many non military people own guns . Not to mention the crime rates have dropped since Bush passed the new gun law . ( not a supporter of Bush ! ) Before you tell me how bad guns are and that they kill people , you can kill someone with a car, INTENTIONALLY !! But ask yourself , if your at your house and someone breaks in and threatens your life for everything that you hold dear what would you do ? If you had the choice to turn the tables on some worthless fuck would you ? Or would you be that person who got fucked , because you don't believe that whats yours is yours , and not for some piece of shit to take at their leisure ? I guess for some it has to happen to them before they take action . For the rest and for me , Fuck that ! Step into another mans castle and die by his sword .
Now thats how the news portrays the story to be . However , the news failed to mention that this kid was about 6' and was built like a grown man . They also failed to mention that this man been robbed before , as well as the fact that this kid had been in trouble numerous times before for mischief of this nature and that the police had caught him earlier that evening and instructed his parents to keep him at home . Not abiding by the police officers warnings he decides to go back out and be an asshole ! Thus resulting in his death .
In defense of the man on trial if someone was fucking with my house at 12:00 am and I opened my door to see some big fuck running at me I would have shot him as well . This mans biggest fuck up is that he didn't call the police first . Had he done that and said he was in fear for his life he probably wouldn't be in so much shit for killing this asshole .
The kid was bullying this guy knocking on his windows and doors trying to scare him . The man thought someone was trying to break into his house . This kid couldn't get it through his head that he was destine for trouble earlier that evening . Fuck I hate stupid people ! This man doesn't deserve to get put away for murder . The kids parents should be on trial as well since they were supposed to keep their stupid son in the house . This kid was a victim of his own demise . Plain and simple . I don't believe he deserved to die that night but it happened . It happens all the time because people make stupid decisions , and they all made stupid ones that night , the kid , his parents and the man .
A lot of people think we shouldn't have guns . They believe that situations like this wouldn't happen if we weren't allowed to have them . For the most part their right . Stupid situations like this wouldn't happen , but these people need to take into consideration that one of the reasons this country hasn't been invaded is because so many non military people own guns . Not to mention the crime rates have dropped since Bush passed the new gun law . ( not a supporter of Bush ! ) Before you tell me how bad guns are and that they kill people , you can kill someone with a car, INTENTIONALLY !! But ask yourself , if your at your house and someone breaks in and threatens your life for everything that you hold dear what would you do ? If you had the choice to turn the tables on some worthless fuck would you ? Or would you be that person who got fucked , because you don't believe that whats yours is yours , and not for some piece of shit to take at their leisure ? I guess for some it has to happen to them before they take action . For the rest and for me , Fuck that ! Step into another mans castle and die by his sword .
people do shit without thinking it through... if you're gonna kill someone you better make sure you've covered all the bases... you gotta know the system or expected to get fucked by it!