If I ever find " TOM " from myspace I'm kidnapping him . Then I 'm gonna kick his ass and make him sit behind a computer and wait ( for what seems like forever ) for his inbox to open . And then wait even longer to read some stupid fucking message that says " hi " . I'm going to video all of this and post it on my profile so the whole world can see . First of all myspace can go to hell !! Second Tom should die for creating it and not taking care of shit . I understand that its free and all , but so are soup kitchens . And if there were a bunch of homeless people waiting on Tom's slow ass service he'd be part of the soup . Fuck I hate myspace !!! I'm not going on that site again unless I find Tom or the cable guy .
I do have a boyfriend, but there is this woman I have had a crush on forever. I'm trying to get over it now. I knew it would never happen, but I still liked the thought...sort of like I would like to hang "TOM" by his toes and shoot him in the knee caps, but I'd never do that either because I would obviously be put away for a long, long time if I did.