Society sucks! For the last couple weeks everyday seems the same . When I ask people "whats up" or "hows it goin' " everyone replies with " same shit different day" . ( you fuckin zombies! ) The more I hear this the more I realize prozac should be readily available to the masses . Everybody bitches about their problems .( including myself ) However most do nothing to resolve them . People seem to get comfortable with their present situation and instead of reaching for higher goals they settle for what they have . Shit why not , it's easier to complain than to get off your ass and do something . Well I say Fuck that! Society has made it incredibly hard the the little guy to make it big , and with the massive amount of negative people in this great nation we live in hope seems a distant faith . If you have an idea or a way to improve your well being go for it head on . Fuck what the rest say or what our so called society thinks , let go of the whats holding you back . Once you get to where your headed all those people who didn't believe won't mean a god damn thing.
Then again, you try to stand out in the crowd, the Big Brother's hammer will hit you hard to make sure you fit in, so rather than being hit, we stay low. Plus, we're programmed to do just that, aren't we?