Why is it that when a person leaves the place that they lived people automatically think that they caan talk shit about you . I understand that if your not there to defend yourself it's common for people to talk a little trash here and there , no biggie . But where the FUCK does someone get off saying they beat your ass and thats why you left ! Now I'm sure that this could be true in some cases , but not in most . I mean does this person think I'm never gonna come back , or I fell off the face of the earth , or are they hoping that if and when I return that this won't get back to me and if it does that I won't care ? I fuckin hate people like this ! If your gonna talk shit it neeeds to be true and you best be able to back it up . These little fucks with alligator mouths and a humming birds ass need to get the shit kicked out of them a couple times and then mabye they will learn to keep their trap shut . Mabye I'm getting to worked up over nothing , but it sure seems like people are fighting more with their mouths and not enough with their fists . Fighting doesn't solve everything , but is sometimes needed to resolve a problem , and mabye if the rest of this country would stand up and fight instead of hiding behind words of hate some of the problems we are facing could have been resolved by now . Just a thought .
oh dear. calmate.
I feel you brother. My buddy, Sabien, and I deal with haters in our building all the time.