Its way to fucking hot to work today . There should be a law against working when it over 100 degreeze in the shade .
What ever happened to Reagan?

DUDE! I wonder that allll the time.
I believe that if you do more than expected for people , your level of expectation is increased . I also believe that if this is the case , your level of recognition should also be increased . Unfortunatly , most people become used to the fact of over exceding expectations and instead of incouraging others to do the same they tend to rely on...
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how do you make a time machine ?
Beemers. It's a bitch.
The interviews are almost as bad as the resumes. Maybe it's just the way the world is now? meh.
The interviews are almost as bad as the resumes. Maybe it's just the way the world is now? meh.
Science has proven time travel is impossible but I not a big believer in science. Hope all's well bro!
Fridays are crap . The end .
christmas is crap ! Everyone is running around like a bunch of loonatics . It took me two hours to get a dvd . ( I guess thats my stupidity for assuming that wal mart would have more than two cashiers working at the same time . I truly believe that people are only into chrstmas and the holidays because they it's the one time...
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havent talked to you in a while, but happy holidays

Is it bad karma to leave a written song about the repo man to the tune of "santa clause is coming to town" on a persons door after I took their car ? Apparently it's illegal . The sheriff's department threatened to arrest me for defacing private property if I put anymore up , and then went so far as to tell me I was...
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Reagan should do a new set . The end .

that's right, yo. you know how we do it in the dirty dirt L-Dub and B-town, yeah!
Can anyone really taste the difference between food grilled over charcoal instead of propane ? I'm not sure if it's so much what the food is cooked over , so much as who cooks it .
Uh , ok , so I thought the home page said redifining beauty every 12 hrs , then it said every 8 hours . I could be seeing things . None the less , the newest set is from 2 days ago ?
Whenever they change something, the whole site goes wacky and things go wrong ;(