This whole thing with the Katrina strangely had not sunk in for me.
My friend Tom came out here about 2 1/2 weeks ago before any news of any storm to take his dad who is terminally ill back to New Orleans.
Well, now I have them both here indefinitely. So in a very direct and real way this is affecting me too. Tom doesn't seem to bothered, maybe that's either fatalism or a defense. He called a friend of his who rode the storm out and is still there - grilling and partying. So I'm wondering how much of the coverage is hype.
From what I just saw in a more in-depth report it's just devastating to see people who've lost their homes, their family members.
To see our completely fucked government just sit on their asses.
It takes seeing *reality*, when reporters and mayors finally speak out against the usual horseshit that gets passed along day in day out.
The media plays up the liberal vs conservative angle. That's bullshit. It's really a matter of incompetence vs competence, dishonest vs honest.
Canye West said that Bush didn't care about black people and that's why the response was slow.
I don't actually really agree with him, but I really liked that he said that. I think it's really about *incompetence*.
I think he's partially right. I don't think Bush cares about anyone other than his clan of family members and connections that get him what he wants. George W. Bush is a just spoiled little punk ass out for his own.
The vampires in charge are completely run by greed. Even after criminally fraudulent behavior in Iraq Halliburton just got some more business from this.
Now I'm seeing Bush in photo ops staged to put his arms around black survivors of the storm.
Ugh... well what do you expect? Self-serving a-holes in charge have been around for centuries. It doesn't mean you have to like it though.
Unfortunately, the things that make me miserable are not really things that I can live without. I need good people in my life.
You answered right. Except it is most common among teenage girls and older men.