Well it's about time to update...
About two weeks ago I was going to describe a dream I had.
The setting was what resembled areas where I live but it was a strange combinatino of canyons and city areas.
The most memorable part was looking up in the sky and seeing this huge helicopter type vehicle.
It could've been a plane too but the unusual thing was that it was towing a large water ship, kind of like how semi-trucks move houses it was on a large platform.
There was an extremely loud droning vibrating sound coming from it. That was what first got my attention.
I looked up at it saw that the ship was starting to tip over and fall off. I knw I was looking at a huge accident.
Then I realized that it was going to fall to the earth near where I was.
I had that stuck in slow motion feeling while trying to get away but I still managed to move up the street then there was enormous destruction as it crashed into the canyon and the wreckage rolled down the canyon.
At that point I wasn't sure if I should try and help or just get away.
There was more to the dream but I forgot most by now.
There was one part where a chinese woman was babbling and hopping around on one leg after having the other foot blown off in the crash.
This was when I was just trying to get past the wreckage and she was angry at me for some reason.
Another part seemed like things were already taken care of. Ther ewas some kind of checkpoint with soldiers and ambulances, kind of like a military checkpoint or an automobile accident.
Other parts of the dream I'm roaming around this city/canyon area trying to figure out what's going on and trying to get past the wreckage.
Nothing amazingly prophetic maybe just wierd anxiety about the war.
About two weeks ago I was going to describe a dream I had.
The setting was what resembled areas where I live but it was a strange combinatino of canyons and city areas.
The most memorable part was looking up in the sky and seeing this huge helicopter type vehicle.
It could've been a plane too but the unusual thing was that it was towing a large water ship, kind of like how semi-trucks move houses it was on a large platform.
There was an extremely loud droning vibrating sound coming from it. That was what first got my attention.
I looked up at it saw that the ship was starting to tip over and fall off. I knw I was looking at a huge accident.
Then I realized that it was going to fall to the earth near where I was.
I had that stuck in slow motion feeling while trying to get away but I still managed to move up the street then there was enormous destruction as it crashed into the canyon and the wreckage rolled down the canyon.
At that point I wasn't sure if I should try and help or just get away.
There was more to the dream but I forgot most by now.
There was one part where a chinese woman was babbling and hopping around on one leg after having the other foot blown off in the crash.
This was when I was just trying to get past the wreckage and she was angry at me for some reason.
Another part seemed like things were already taken care of. Ther ewas some kind of checkpoint with soldiers and ambulances, kind of like a military checkpoint or an automobile accident.
Other parts of the dream I'm roaming around this city/canyon area trying to figure out what's going on and trying to get past the wreckage.
Nothing amazingly prophetic maybe just wierd anxiety about the war.
i haven't had any nightmares lately. sorta strange for me.