Everyone's a building burning
with no one to put the fire out.
Standing at the window looking out,
waiting for time to burn us down.
I've been listening to that a couple of times today.
Another layer of bullshit has been applied at my workplace.
It's rather Lumbert-esque (anyone who's seen Office Space can relate).
He's a new boss who said right in front of us he "gets more for less" and "I expect 120%".
Where's our 120% paychecks, bee-yatch!?! Why should you get a free ride on our backs corporate leech!?!
He's scheduled way too much that can get done, and has spent virtually no time getting to know anything.
The response is always, "Why? Why not? Explain to me"
Okay, Mr Dickface I can do that. So I spent an hour writing a detailed thought out email explaining what is involved.
Then it's basically ignored.
So I bring it up again. "Okay, I'm not sure I understand what the big problem is?"
Why don't you read the information that you asked for dumbass!?!
Here's the real kicker. The guy hasn't even been here for a month and he's making plans to move the office to San Jose where he lives.
First we'll be overloaded with a schedule we can't make. Then even if we get most of it done he'll get the recognition of being the successful slave driver and we'll be rewarded with having our jobs move away.
Anway... I'm pretty sick of the whole racket. The most screwed up thing is that I've yet to work at any place that wasn't totally screwed up in way or another.
Next job is going to be a big company where as an inconspicous cog I can put in my 9 to 5 and then resume my own life free from the startup bullshit and drama.
Polish up the resume' and keep your eye out. I don't know what you do but I have worked for 2 video game comapnies and it is sucha nice change from the standard rat race and I know their are several in the San Diego area (Sony On-line, Rockstar, and I think Midway), and as you travel north on the 5 you just keep finding more up through LA (Ok you may have to take the 405 at the Y)
BTW I left the pharmacy job to test video games for a living and I lover it still.
Good luck with everything.
P.S. how are the lungs?