There's some sort of virus or bacteria that's totally kicked my butt.
I've been hacking like crazy the last few days and haven't been getting much sleep.
I'm constantly sweating. I can't tell if it's night sweats or just from the hot humid weather.
My eyes are red and tired. My throat sore and horse.
Once again it seems like everythings falling on my head at once from every direction.
Now my body is falling apart.
I was loading up on cold medicine and the day went by in a haze at work. My monitor spontaneously went out on me.
At night I'll get light wheezing sleep for about three hours or so until I wake up violently coughing. After a while I get a splitting pounding headache from it.
Okay that's enough of a description of my recent misery.
Actually I'm startig to think that at least partly it's mind over matter. I've heard that chronic bronchitis can lead to asthma, and asthma I've heard can be controlled somewhat by learning to relax... when the body starts to constrict.
As a somewhat recovered stutterer I know about things like that.
So tonight when I was wheezing and coughing and feeling like I couldn't breathe. I thought: there's not that much congestion in my lungs. I'm just tightening up.
It eased up.
I'm taking tommorow off and I might get things done or might nothing done other than lay around sleep.
I'm feeling better just thinking about it.
Okay, I found something out. I can write long journal entries very quickly when the subject is personal health.

I never realy cared about my health (thats why I'm always sick). I hope you become better my friend now.