I think this will be the last of the whinging from last Saturday's debacle. One week's time is enough.
It really knocked me for a loop, but this Saturday morning/afternoon I'm now feeling better.
Still I'd much rather drink a pint of battery acid than alcohol.
Last night I stayed up to 5:30am reading Masters of Doom. It's the story of the programmers behind the Doom and Quake video games.
It was really interesting to see how the personality clashes and the technical problems relate to places where I've worked before. Not on such a huge scale of course or as exciting.
It was kind of inspiring but also kind of depressing at the same time.
The depressing part is to know that there seems to always be two factors that won't ever go away in the software biz.
it's a combination of two factors.
The first is that to be good technically it requires long periods grinding isolation. This much I actually don't mind too much, but I find it narrows my perspective on life more than I'd like.
The other factor is that as a business, driven by money and egos, there is always going to be some ridiculous BS and various personality clashes and politial manuevering.
It made me appreciate my current job more because despite all the problems it's not really that bad. It could be a lot worse.
So anyway... I now have an oppurtunity to do home repairs and buy tools and flooring and such.
Time to get outside in the fresh air and sunshine and get busy!
Anyway good bye and have fun.