Hmm, this is wierd.
I'm been having hangover flashbacks. That's a new one.
Actually I think it might be a combination of lack of sleep and dehydration.
It's been kind of hot and humid lately and the friggin workplace AC is out of order.
I had a little

Sunday was pennance day with a bucket of water, paper towels and q-tips.
I'm still repenting every once in a while when catch a slight whiff rolling down the window.
Ugh, it's so, so... adolescent. That's the kind of thing I'd do at 17, 23 maybe at oldest.
To do it at this stage makes me feel both immature and old at the same time.
C'mon knock out that crap out, already.
Doesn't it suck that all it takes is one slip, one mistake and blammo back to square one.
Well nothing that life impairing or damaging happened so it wasn't that bad.
All things considered I'm very lucky. I should have already used up all my luck by now. I shouldn't push it anymore.
Ot at least I should push my luck to achieve good positive things rather than use it to avoid consequences of really bad irresponsible decisions.
So anyway the recurring hangover thing sucks. I guess it kind of makes sense that you could feel aspects of the hangover experience without recently having had alcohol.
Lack of sleep and dehydration are of course factors. Also, regret and embarassment is part of the mix. It all kind of blends together in a big dread-headache-nausea-revulsion blob.
So far I'm feeling pretty determined to forego alcohol. I've done it before for almost two years.
Goddang stupid juice. It's poison.

I guess I'm in your hometown today.... you were right; the weather forecast is the same every fucking day!