So the trip...
Here's my blatantly judgemental comparison of Portland vs San Diego:
- Powells vs Bookstar and SD Technical Books combined
a total KO, Powells is the mother of all bookstores
- humidity vs dryness
I don't like to sweat too much
- beards vs suntans
I had enough sunlight already
- being laid back vs appearing laid back
I think by now it'll take about six months in a totally laid back place for me to completely unwind. Also makes me realize of the continuing "LA effect" where SD lags about 15 years in population, traffic, etc
- beach and mountain one hour away vs beach one minute away
living by the beach is still great even if I don't hardly go. I miss the ocean otherwise
- many low-pressure strip clubs vs a few high-pressure strip clubs
I'm not a real connousier in this area but I liked things low key and nonchalant as opposed to 50 marines pumped to the gills on testosterone and beer
- bust town vs boom town (draw)
seems like there a lot of people in PDX kind of scrabbling by, but then again having everything being overpriced sucks too
more to come...
Here's my blatantly judgemental comparison of Portland vs San Diego:
- Powells vs Bookstar and SD Technical Books combined
a total KO, Powells is the mother of all bookstores
- humidity vs dryness
I don't like to sweat too much
- beards vs suntans
I had enough sunlight already
- being laid back vs appearing laid back
I think by now it'll take about six months in a totally laid back place for me to completely unwind. Also makes me realize of the continuing "LA effect" where SD lags about 15 years in population, traffic, etc
- beach and mountain one hour away vs beach one minute away
living by the beach is still great even if I don't hardly go. I miss the ocean otherwise
- many low-pressure strip clubs vs a few high-pressure strip clubs
I'm not a real connousier in this area but I liked things low key and nonchalant as opposed to 50 marines pumped to the gills on testosterone and beer
- bust town vs boom town (draw)
seems like there a lot of people in PDX kind of scrabbling by, but then again having everything being overpriced sucks too
more to come...
love pdx- tired of all the strip joints though
Donating gave me the willies as well. My veins in that area or not overly friendly and often decietful (the ones you can see are hard to get and the best one is not vissible but you can feel it pump) so i have to tell the person where the best one is and then I have to tell them don't talk about what they are doing or I will pass out.