The perenial uncompleted task:
a decent homepage/web-site of my own
Interesting in a way I guess, but like friendster, myspace, etc., whatever it ultimately seems like something which initially seems cheesy, but then you get into it, then you waste too much time with it.
I've had some internet addicting activities before. Back in 2000 I was among one of many members on the NY Times Election 2000 message board. Some very heated and compulsive political posting there.
Then off and on I was pretty hooked on the Quake family of 3D first person shooter games: QuakeII, QuakeIII, UrbanTerror2 mod.
Countless nights up until 4am trying to own on q3dm12 or q3ctf1. I tried a new free one a couple of weeks ago based on Return to Castle Wolfenstein - Enemy Territory. I totally sucked at it and realizing it would take many hours to get good I abandoned further interest in playint it any more.
This site, I first joined around the end of '01.
I found it indirectly through le who used to (and still does probably) keep a great personal journal.
And how did I find out about elly? A purely random web search one day that brought me to the hungry programmers I was looking up something with Unix and X windows or something.
The really freaky thing is that that goes back to friggin '97... fuck!
That's wierd in the sense that I'm gettin to be an old bastard and also that I've indirectly "known" a person online who I don't really know at all for almost seven years.
It makes me feel all postmodern, funny and stuff....
Well anyway it's definitely been a good outlet, if not oddly detached also...
There's my regular daytime hectic, burdensom reality and this, a kind of portal to an alternate reality. So maybe my fantasy is for my "regular" reality to be more like this here and/or this here to be more real.
I've only met one member from the site here:
tretiak at toorcon here in SD. He was a cool guy but he quit already.
a good idea:
go live on an island or in the mountains for a year or so without a TV/phone/computer in sight
Man... talk about random journal posting. I had no idea I'd be all over the place like that.
hibbity gibbity
i think my brother at times looks exactly like Artie Lange and i look alot like my brother