last night we all went to the garage to play pool. i am really bad at pool.
but then i went and hit like 4 balls in a row, so no one believed me! but they were all nice and lined up. then i didn't hit a thing for the rest of the night. i tried to warn them,
i'm really bad at pool.
but then i went and hit like 4 balls in a row, so no one believed me! but they were all nice and lined up. then i didn't hit a thing for the rest of the night. i tried to warn them,
i'm really bad at pool.
...I only seem to play pool when I go drinking and for some reason seem to sink the eightball early and lose the game (maybe the drinking has something to do with it).
sorry i am really wacky high. i have that warm "Woomph" feeling vibrating the back of the head. but i guess i just wanted to say cheers.