my game comes out next weekend! yey!!!

i am excited to see how it looks. it's my first game cover on full foil (as opposed to just a stamp or metallic ink). it was a horrible terrible no good very bad process getting it printed, but i have hopes that it will turn out ok.
i went to some game stores this weekend that had some really terrible preview art out. where do they get that stuff anyways? i sure didn't make it. like this one at toys r us:

i'm sorry, was the original not gothy enough for you? you thought the giratina stood out too much, and the focus should really be more about the giant black background blob?
legal line too. black text on a black background, why didn't i think of that?

i am excited to see how it looks. it's my first game cover on full foil (as opposed to just a stamp or metallic ink). it was a horrible terrible no good very bad process getting it printed, but i have hopes that it will turn out ok.
i went to some game stores this weekend that had some really terrible preview art out. where do they get that stuff anyways? i sure didn't make it. like this one at toys r us:

i'm sorry, was the original not gothy enough for you? you thought the giratina stood out too much, and the focus should really be more about the giant black background blob?
legal line too. black text on a black background, why didn't i think of that?
How you been?
I'm still pretty geeky, though, my job is dangerously close to sales now. I went from the programming job to a security consulting job (paid to hack, basically), and now I'm working as a sales engineer for a company that does source code security review software. It's a lot of fun.