Surgery has been scheduled for this Friday morning. Great, I get to spend the whole weekend recovering.
But at least it is a step toward being back to normal. I actually am going to have 2 surgeries. One on Friday, then 4-6 months of rehab, and then the second surgery where they will be able to fix the ACL. So I guess I know how this summer is going to be. No fun at all! Hopefully after this surgery they will give me some real pain pills. Hopefully something nice like vicadin! Wish me luck!

peace.dirtleg jared.
i also want to really thank you for the interest in the my site. i only got two hours of sleep last night and have been up since nine am working on my site, so basically all i do is work at my bar or work on my site or work on myself ummm... i guess that last thing is why they call me filthyrich. anyway good luck with friday
ps i'm shooting for a full launch date of some time the end of next week.