I can't concentrate...you know you set out to have a good time, and for awhile, when you are in the moment, you do. Then reality comes rearing it's ugly head, slaps you in the face and says..."What were you thinking?" Last night wasn't me, it's not who I am. I took advantage of the situation to swings things in my favor. I didn't hurt anyone but myself. No regrets though right? So say they. Fucking Mr Somewhere had to be at the concert didn't he? Just another slap in the face, another unattainable goal, the one that got away..all that crap. And I knew it, I mean I just knew he woud be there. See I was right Likitty...after all the confessions of late, I wasn't ready to come to face to face with the nightmare. So I drowned my sorrows and put on a pretty good front. I was even able to deceive Frat Boy, and for a little bit I was convinced things were going to be OK...then I woke up...literally. When I got up tonight the memories of the prior night came flooding back like a tidal wave that washed me out to sea and now I'm drowning.
you didn't let anyone get away miss kelly....
you did it all right ..... sweetie you are the one he let get away........ he is a big fat loser and he is a fool.......... much like myself....
but it is really not important i mean look who he brought ....you are just not crazy enough for him .... to stable and smart...... um would it offend you if i asked you not to get away from me........ and if you want we could say fuck it thats what you want lets go get him ..... but i want him in shackles and there to serve your every pleasure....
i could then take my time beating him everyday....
he could do the laundry and clean the cat box.....he would just be the chained house boy...... but i wanna beat him when he whines from your lashings.........
and sex..... he is all yours....... but do please let me watch....
i would enjoy my wife getting her dreams fufilled even if i think he is a weasel...........