My life seems pretty much in order, sure things are not quite how I imagined, but what do I really have to complain about? Yet, I don't sleep...and seem to be drifting in and out of a dense fog that has either clouded my senses to life happening all around me, or has shaded me from others seeing how much I add to this tiny blue planet. Depression is the clinical term? Yet I don't feel depressed, I am quite happy throughout most of the day. I watched a worm try to find it's way across a sidewalk today for over half an hour. And when he finally made it I cheered! WOO HOO! I then looked up to see the faces of several others staring at me like I was crazy. I found pleasure in watching that worm acheive it's goal...reminded me of myself. Spent a good part of that half hour reflecting on my life, and how proud of myself I was to have reached so many small goals, and not placing too much effort on larger and unatainable goals. Guess I learned a lesson today from a worm...
I am glad to see that someone else notices the little simularities in all living creatures.
also you have great taste in books.
I am adding you to my friends list 'cause I think your swell..