So... three months went by.
I turned 29. I'm quitting my shitty, soul (and knee) crushing job at the end of the month. I have no backup plan yet but I'm sure I can work something out. My off and on roommate is back up in Edmonton for a few weeks so I'm alone with the cats again. It's always strange switching between having someone here and being by myself.
I still spend most of my time watching TV, reading and drinking.
I miss hockey.
You'd think I would have more to say after this long.
I turned 29. I'm quitting my shitty, soul (and knee) crushing job at the end of the month. I have no backup plan yet but I'm sure I can work something out. My off and on roommate is back up in Edmonton for a few weeks so I'm alone with the cats again. It's always strange switching between having someone here and being by myself.
I still spend most of my time watching TV, reading and drinking.
I miss hockey.
You'd think I would have more to say after this long.
Thanks man. What are you doing with yourself? Are you well? 

Good luck with that. Uncertainty can be so stressful.