Ten Things I Hate About My Co-Worker Nick
SPOILERS! (Click to view)1) He's a Canucks fan.
2) Hes' the kind of Canucks fan who thinks his team, city and fellow fans are made from pure fucking gold and incapable of any wrong even though they are often obnoxious assholes.
3) Is a proud Harper voter. For my American friends, he is the weak cup of tea to George W's overbrewed, torturing coffee.
4) He is constantly and repeatedly wrong about very basic things.
5) Today asked another driver if he had "ever dutch ovened a girl" in the tone of voice that suggests that it is something to be proud of.
6) Never. Shuts. Up. I don't really like talking to people that much and people who force conversations on me (especially when I am clearly trying to read) annoy the ever living fuck out of me.
7) Once compared people electing Obama to people following Hitler. Not in a convoluted, roundabout way. He actually followed the sentence "Well, a lot of people voted for Hitler..." with "Just like Obama". And then chuckled like it was the funniest thing anyone had ever said.
8) Suggested that only immigrants (specifically Asian ones) commit blue collar crimes. White people just do the white collar stuff. No white people are ever pimps, drugs dealers, thieves or gang members.
9) His general views on women would make the 1950s feel right at home. The same goes for Socialists and Communists, though I doubt he actually knows the difference.
10) Has been feeding large portions of this bullshit to the extremely nice Costa Rican driver, Willy. I really like Willy. He's a fantastic guy and actually quite fun to talk to. However, I fear he is getting a very misguided view of Canada because Nick has an overabundance of douche.
Much More Pleasant Things
SPOILERS! (Click to view)1) I was able to visit some friends in Edmonton on the weekend. Much Mario was played (although largely failed) and it was just nice to visit friends.
Jody is attempting to teach me to crochet. We are going to use this power for AWESOME. (Provided I don't muck it up and her patience with me holds out)
3) My cats are fucking adorable.
4) Jody and I are tearing through the new series of Doctor Who. I can't believe it's taken me this long to watch. We've just started season 3 and it's so much fun. EXTERMINATE! (I still find myself wishing they had done another season with Christopher Eccleston)
5) I had a Crave cupcake today. Even if the rest of the day had been total shit, the five minutes in which I consumed that sugary goodness would have been fan-freaking-tastic.
So... what's new with you?