- The barricades are there for a reason you useless cunts. Don't try to drive through them. Don't drive around them. Don't fucking move them. Go around asshole.
- Yes, firemen, that applies to you too. If it were an emergency I would make an exception. But it wasn't. You were getting fucking groceries. The fact that three of you took up five parking spots with the truck and sat on the bumper while your one female partner came stumbling out with more groceries than she could carry makes you complete assholes in my book.
- If I'm serving you stuff from one side of a table don't walk around behind me and grab shit from under my arm. You'd think by the time you hit ninety you'd have learned some fucking manners.
- Your kids are stupid and it's probably your fault. They're choking each other in the parking lot of a grocery store with hundreds of strangers watching while you're on your phone.
To top off all this fun, it was 29 degrees while we were hauling tables and chairs around. I also managed to knock a stack of thirty or so chairs over on to my bad knee and shin. Driving home brought a little white flash of pain every time I shifted gears.
As a result I am not in the best of moods. My plan, as it stands right now, is to eat, masturbate, nap and repeat until it's time for bed. I may add some wine and video games in there if I get bored.

- The barricades are there for a reason you useless cunts. Don't try to drive through them. Don't drive around them. Don't fucking move them. Go around asshole.
- Yes, firemen, that applies to you too. If it were an emergency I would make an exception. But it wasn't. You were getting fucking groceries. The fact that three of you took up five parking spots with the truck and sat on the bumper while your one female partner came stumbling out with more groceries than she could carry makes you complete assholes in my book.
- If I'm serving you stuff from one side of a table don't walk around behind me and grab shit from under my arm. You'd think by the time you hit ninety you'd have learned some fucking manners.
- Your kids are stupid and it's probably your fault. They're choking each other in the parking lot of a grocery store with hundreds of strangers watching while you're on your phone.
To top off all this fun, it was 29 degrees while we were hauling tables and chairs around. I also managed to knock a stack of thirty or so chairs over on to my bad knee and shin. Driving home brought a little white flash of pain every time I shifted gears.
As a result I am not in the best of moods. My plan, as it stands right now, is to eat, masturbate, nap and repeat until it's time for bed. I may add some wine and video games in there if I get bored.