ok guys i dont want to sound like a downer but i have had some really fucked up news today. i found out my dad has cancer and is refusing to get any form of treatment. well as you can guess this really got to me i stormed out of my house and went for a very long drive as to that driving helps calm...
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god was i feeling sick today i was throwing up all day then later on i felt good enough to go to class well here is to hoping i dont get worst
Ginger or peppermint tea is good for nausea, as is very small snacks of bland food like crackers or dry toast.
I hope you feel better.
I hope you feel better.
In secret we met
In silence I grieve,
That thy heart should forget,
They spirit deceive.
If I should meet thee
After long years,
How should I greet thee?
With silence and tears.
In silence I grieve,
That thy heart should forget,
They spirit deceive.
If I should meet thee
After long years,
How should I greet thee?
With silence and tears.
This is a tribute to the nice guys. The nice guys that finish last, that never become more than friends, that endure hours of whining and bitching about what assholes guys are, while disproving the very point. This is dedicated to those guys who always provide a shoulder to lean on but restrain themselves to tentative hugs, those guys who hold open doors, and give...
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Well said.
I want to steal this for my journal, I will give you credit for it .
ok well guys u know about that great girl i was talking about well she broke up with me about one week befor my birthday all well. i started to like another girl but she ended up with a friend of mine after we kissed and i could of sworn she like me by the way she touches me but i digress. but ya it...
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love usually comes when your not looking for it
Oh you'll be okay. Worse things have happened, you know...and when you finally meet the right girl, you'll realize that it was just oh so worth it!

well guys its been a long time since i updated but my life has been fucked up. it goes up and then it goes down then back up. like after me and my ex breaks up we continue to talk and shit like that. so later at a party i meet this really great girl. we start talking and later we decide that we would...
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Mind dwells on time wasted, as I sit here wasted.
Do you mind? Of course you dont. You're tied up and you're going to listen.
You put me, in such an awkward position, constantly I thought something was missing.
Kind of ironic you are...
You played off, "great to see you", usually it's easier than this for me
Can't you see? Look at me, can't...
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Do you mind? Of course you dont. You're tied up and you're going to listen.
You put me, in such an awkward position, constantly I thought something was missing.
Kind of ironic you are...
You played off, "great to see you", usually it's easier than this for me
Can't you see? Look at me, can't...
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this is dedicated to my ex girlfriend
well guys a week form this just past friday i had my first tattoo done and i am allready planning my next one see i knew that once i got one i was going to get many more
Thats how it is

A beautiful girl can make you feel dizzy like you been drinking jack and coke all morning.
She can make you feel high full of single greatest commodity know to man.
Promise the promise of better day promise of greater hope promise of a new tomorrow.
This particular ore can be found in gate of beautiful girl in her smile and in her soul and...
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She can make you feel high full of single greatest commodity know to man.
Promise the promise of better day promise of greater hope promise of a new tomorrow.
This particular ore can be found in gate of beautiful girl in her smile and in her soul and...
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thats awesome! did u write that?
Got your app to SG Motorcycles. Please post in MY journal a little bit about what you ride, where, how long you've been riding, etc. If you don't currently ride, say something about why you should be a member of SGMC anyway. Anything to let me know you're actually interested in SGMC will do. If you know a current SGMC member, have him/her leave me a note in my journal.