ok that was great i had just wrote out a blog but durring the uploading of it my internet timed out all well. ok lets start again. since my last up date which it has been a long time and i am sorry about that i will try to update more Regularly. lets see i worked as a lifegurard at shaver lake above fresno which was more like a paid vacation than work i had met so many cool and intresting people. um then i started to work as a sleep tech which is basicly i get paid to watch people sleep all night. um next month i am going to a concert with such a wonderful girl i have known and i hope one day to become more than friends. but thats is all up to her she knows how i feel and i hope she feels the same way i think she does because of the way she looks at me and talks about me. ok well thats about it for now i will try to update more often hope to hear form people. later bye.
Just approved you for Modern Pirates. I'm trusting that you'll keep the Pirates vs Ninja crap outside.