so tell me what the fuck is up with girls i swear. i just told the most beautful girl in my eyes that i liked her and she said that i am a wonderful friend and thats it. also she said i am one of the nice guys she has ever met and that i am always there for her. ok i am fine with that but then we also continue to talk about realtionships and how she picks the jerks and then i know that most women tend to and she said she does and why cant she find a nice guy. then i say maybe i should become like every other guy she has dated and she is like no dont ever change. but i think that maybe i should because i am sick and tired of being there for girls to come to and cry on my shoulder everytime they are having trouble with there guys. just to have my heart steped on when i tell a girl that i like them. so tell me what should i do i am just fed up.