As I sit here with only my thoughts to keep me company I get to thinking. Why am I alone well for one I dont have many friends left I lost one for no reason I can fathom. They just stopped talking to me all of a sudden and now they are gone altogether. Then there are some other people who in all reality do not want to spend time with me except as a mode of transportation and only as a last resort. I get no phone calls except if someone needs something. I get invited only by a few people to do things and in all reality only one person does that. The only person I talk to on a regular basis actually lives out of state. I know that I am going to get a lot of phlak because of this but at the moment I dont care who else I am I going to lose not much because well I spend all my time alone anyway so in all reality there is not much I am at risk to lose at the moment. Well I would love to hear what you have to say on this and see who actually reads it and knows where I am coming from and even if you dont see it I would still like to hear your opinion bye.

[Edited on Apr 21, 2006 10:54PM]