So i was feeling peakish last night around 130am so I went to Micky D's and Im in the drive-thru and 3 young woman stand behind my car and think they are going to order...WRONG so the girl at the window says "can you order for them" "sure" I reply. I ordered for them and they cant take the food from the pickup window so they get in my car and we pick up the food and one of them say "you arent going to Richmond are ya?" (LOL I live in Surrey of course Im going to Richmond.) But as most of ya know Im a very helpful person and I make up a story about going to Southdelta along the way one of them ask why I was going to Southdelta so I lied and said I was going to work ...........At my old job at southside grill well wouldnt ya know they know my old Sous Chef LOL small world Eh!
So I drove them to Richmond and the got home safe and I didnt mind one bit.
Ya I still care for others
So I drove them to Richmond and the got home safe and I didnt mind one bit.
Ya I still care for others
