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Monday Dec 04, 2006
Good bye everyone Well its been fun! To everyone that ever cared a… -
Wednesday Nov 15, 2006
So a little update on the Freakchef world. Well as for the job it go… -
Saturday Sep 30, 2006
They always said that lonesome town Was where I'd spend my days Cuz… -
Monday Sep 11, 2006
Dear Brad and J Lo Why do you waste not only your time but "OUR" tim… -
Saturday Aug 12, 2006
My grandpa died last night. In his sleep. I got the 6am phone call an… -
Monday Jul 31, 2006
Ok where to start? Last sunday I entered a poker tourny that the top … -
Saturday Jun 10, 2006
Your a FUCKING LOSER! Thats what i hear at work for asking nicly … -
Monday May 15, 2006
So what a Mothers day I had. I got up at 730 and went to work by 1030… -
Tuesday Apr 18, 2006
You wouldnt believe what happened to me today at work! The old owner … -
Friday Apr 14, 2006
I had the oddest meeting today with the chef and the owner, On one si…
Maybe in a couple weeks?