Ok went out tonight at the bi monthly SG Canada west get together and I can see dead people!!!!!!
Oh wait Im getting ahead of myself I better start at the begining...
I started my day off by got to the bank that my credit card is from and paid 500 smackers on it (thats 350 smackers to you Americans).
I then went to a movie actually 2 movies. the first was called The rage in Placid Lake, all in going to say about this movie its funny as hell and worth seeing... the second was a local BC film called The delecat art of parking and its shot in the documentree style and is also very funny a good must see...
So im feeling GRAND about seeing 2 good movies so I head to chapters to find a Zombie book, That i couldnt remember the name of...LOL well I was looking in thew cooking section and this woman was swearing at it cookbook so I turn to her and say hes not that bad of a cook. well it turns out she owns a event planning company that gets chefs together.... to make a long story longer AV and Fernis show up (thanks guys for saving me LOL)...
So after dinner we go to DV8 and i decide to have some absenth for the first time. the reason i wanted to have it tonight is i didnt know what effect it would have on me and that brings us to where i can see dead people.....
No shit i did see dead people well ok maybe one! I was on the skytrain reading a book i got and i was noticing that my eyes werent blinking cause they were dry and i could feel the cab getting cold so i turned to the right and there was a face out side the window of the moving train and then after about 2 seconds it disapered and i went "NO SHIT" and thot Fernis said i would see something out of the corner of my eye but he didnt say i would see it with full vision..........
Oh wait Im getting ahead of myself I better start at the begining...
I started my day off by got to the bank that my credit card is from and paid 500 smackers on it (thats 350 smackers to you Americans).
I then went to a movie actually 2 movies. the first was called The rage in Placid Lake, all in going to say about this movie its funny as hell and worth seeing... the second was a local BC film called The delecat art of parking and its shot in the documentree style and is also very funny a good must see...
So im feeling GRAND about seeing 2 good movies so I head to chapters to find a Zombie book, That i couldnt remember the name of...LOL well I was looking in thew cooking section and this woman was swearing at it cookbook so I turn to her and say hes not that bad of a cook. well it turns out she owns a event planning company that gets chefs together.... to make a long story longer AV and Fernis show up (thanks guys for saving me LOL)...
So after dinner we go to DV8 and i decide to have some absenth for the first time. the reason i wanted to have it tonight is i didnt know what effect it would have on me and that brings us to where i can see dead people.....
No shit i did see dead people well ok maybe one! I was on the skytrain reading a book i got and i was noticing that my eyes werent blinking cause they were dry and i could feel the cab getting cold so i turned to the right and there was a face out side the window of the moving train and then after about 2 seconds it disapered and i went "NO SHIT" and thot Fernis said i would see something out of the corner of my eye but he didnt say i would see it with full vision..........

Happy Humpday!