So a little update on the Freakchef world.
Well as for the job it goes well, I work 6 days aweek Tuesday - Sunday 1pm till midnight and I get paid hourly which is GRAND. The only thing I dislike about the job is the fucked up ppl working there. Just the other day I was supposed to go out for drinks with 2 other guys in the kitchen and as i was driving up to the bar I see both of them fighting and one of them broke 3 of his toes in the fight.
In 5 days I get to play in the BC Poker Championship and I have a chance to win $1,050,000 if i win the 3 tournaments that Im in. Monday Nov 20th is Omaha hi / lo, Tuesday Nov 21 in hold em' pot limit and Thursday,Saturday and Sunday is the Hold em' no limit all the events start at 12 noon so if ya wanna cheer for me come down to the River Rock Casino or get a hold of me b4 and Ill meet ya down there.
I got one more thing to say. I have this woman in my life and she tells me all her sexual likes and dislikes and I know shes not telling me them cause she wants me to have sex but I find it very odd that she tells me these things it sort of like girl talk but with a brotherly twist I think she wants my aproval of her sexual choices and at the same time I feel like Im the "gay friend" that she dosent have. I have to admit I find her attractive but at the same time I know it wouldnt work out.
Well thanks for reading this and Have a GRAND day
BC Poker Championship Update
So Ive never played Omaha hi/low live b4 but after 1h30min I had 12000 chips and wouldnt ya know it 3 hours later I had nothing LOL I ended up being 89 out of 198 not bad for the first time playing. Today is the hold em pot limit I hope I do better in this one. Wish me luck
BC Poker Championship Update 2
What can i say? Aces can lose but only 1 out of four time the thing is Ive lost with them ever time I get them for the last 10 times. I got As and Ac he has Ad Qh I go all in for 8000 he calls Flop 259h turn 3h makes his flush and the guy was so sorry he won the pot and removed me. I came 173rd out of 426 looks like I have bad luck
One more tournament to go I hope to do better in that one.
Well as for the job it goes well, I work 6 days aweek Tuesday - Sunday 1pm till midnight and I get paid hourly which is GRAND. The only thing I dislike about the job is the fucked up ppl working there. Just the other day I was supposed to go out for drinks with 2 other guys in the kitchen and as i was driving up to the bar I see both of them fighting and one of them broke 3 of his toes in the fight.
In 5 days I get to play in the BC Poker Championship and I have a chance to win $1,050,000 if i win the 3 tournaments that Im in. Monday Nov 20th is Omaha hi / lo, Tuesday Nov 21 in hold em' pot limit and Thursday,Saturday and Sunday is the Hold em' no limit all the events start at 12 noon so if ya wanna cheer for me come down to the River Rock Casino or get a hold of me b4 and Ill meet ya down there.
I got one more thing to say. I have this woman in my life and she tells me all her sexual likes and dislikes and I know shes not telling me them cause she wants me to have sex but I find it very odd that she tells me these things it sort of like girl talk but with a brotherly twist I think she wants my aproval of her sexual choices and at the same time I feel like Im the "gay friend" that she dosent have. I have to admit I find her attractive but at the same time I know it wouldnt work out.
Well thanks for reading this and Have a GRAND day
BC Poker Championship Update
So Ive never played Omaha hi/low live b4 but after 1h30min I had 12000 chips and wouldnt ya know it 3 hours later I had nothing LOL I ended up being 89 out of 198 not bad for the first time playing. Today is the hold em pot limit I hope I do better in this one. Wish me luck
BC Poker Championship Update 2
What can i say? Aces can lose but only 1 out of four time the thing is Ive lost with them ever time I get them for the last 10 times. I got As and Ac he has Ad Qh I go all in for 8000 he calls Flop 259h turn 3h makes his flush and the guy was so sorry he won the pot and removed me. I came 173rd out of 426 looks like I have bad luck

One more tournament to go I hope to do better in that one.
Glad to hear about the new job but not so great about the wackos. Steer clear of the politics whenever you can.