So what a Mothers day I had. I got up at 730 and went to work by 1030 I almost walked out on my chef cause he called me a liar 12 hrs later the day was finished a 14hr day and thats when I decided to go play poker
You know when your soooo tired you get tunnel vision well I really beleive thats the best time to play poker your so focused on the game you make the right calls cause your not destacted by the shit around ya.
Anyway I bought in for 150 at a 1-2 NL table and a hour later Im up 150 bucks then I had a Ace 4 spades I was BB and everyone limped the folp comes Ace 4 3 two hearts I check everyone check to the button and he bets 30 I raise to 60 everyone folds to the guy the bet he raises to 100 and I go All in 305 he calls for 301 I show my two pair and he laffs he got two pair too but the low one 43 turn comes heart which makes him a flush drawto the 4 he had and the river comes 8 spades. I quad up and win small hands here and there till the same guy again goes all in which I think is a low flush to my second nut flush we turn it over and he had the thrid nut flush to my second nut flush. So at 3am I walked out with $1250.
Not bad for a Zombie, Poker Playing, Freakchef

Anyway I bought in for 150 at a 1-2 NL table and a hour later Im up 150 bucks then I had a Ace 4 spades I was BB and everyone limped the folp comes Ace 4 3 two hearts I check everyone check to the button and he bets 30 I raise to 60 everyone folds to the guy the bet he raises to 100 and I go All in 305 he calls for 301 I show my two pair and he laffs he got two pair too but the low one 43 turn comes heart which makes him a flush drawto the 4 he had and the river comes 8 spades. I quad up and win small hands here and there till the same guy again goes all in which I think is a low flush to my second nut flush we turn it over and he had the thrid nut flush to my second nut flush. So at 3am I walked out with $1250.
Not bad for a Zombie, Poker Playing, Freakchef

I'm sure after you left the game, there was more than one player calling you a mother------... Happy Mother's Day!