- on daisiraw's blog post
- on Front Pussy? in fetish photography
- on FULL FRONTAL MONDAY 🤘 in everything sg
- on Rear View with Lips in ass appreciation
- on Put a Movie "IN MY PANTS" in silliness
- on Put a Movie "IN MY PANTS" in silliness
Thank you @eisesara for tagging me.
1. Cycling
2. Photography
3. The Oxford comma
4. The beach
5. Battlestar Galactica
1. Racism
2. Misinformation
3. When people write "your" instead of "you're"
4. Liars
5. Inconsistent user interfaces
Some of these people have probably already been tagged, but I'll pass this to: @ksew, @rainedemure, @moneymandnb, @phelonyjames, and @mordvekna.

I know how much everyone loves unsolicited advice from ignorant strangers, so I have some 😊.
If you have a set dropping in the next few days, take a little bit of time and proofread your profile.
* Do all of your social links work?
* If you have a linktree, do all of those links work?
* If you have a fan page (OnlyFans/Fansly/etc.)...
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I've been an SG member for the better part of a year, and I joined mostly because of the live streams. Sadly, they're incredibly frustrating. Even if you manage to join one, it's unlikely you'll remain connected for more than a few minutes. Every time a new model starts a stream, most members viewing other streams get kicked off. Last weekend nobody could even join...
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