So I have a dental appointment for Monday since my tooth is still really uncomfortable from the fall. Just the one, but it's a front one so I want to make sure there isn't any root damage so I don't have a hillbilly mouth randomly in a few weeks/months/years. Yikes! I hope it's all okay.
Oh my god, I had a crazy night with my workgirlfriend. We went out for her birthday and of course I got COMPLETELY lost on my way home, I ended up in Hoboken and I have NO idea where that is. I kept falling asleep and made it home at 730 which is when I should be leaving for work. Needless to say, I stayed... Read More
At home super early. Drinking for lack of something better to do, study? Probably should do that. Instead I'll just do this and see about this video game..
woo! finally got a call from Bri, I can't wait for him to get here so we can have an adventure! t-4months til sky diving/lil sis' bday/road trip adventure! Now I just need to get my finances back on track..
So after talking to this woman for about 10 minutes I've got myself a prescription for paxil. I went home and googled it and don't feel comfortable taking it. No I have to pay another $35 to get it changed. Blah. Driiiinks!