Today is all about taxes. Don't you love taxes? No, really, I wouldn't mind them at all if they would just put a check box on them and I could choose where the money goes. I'd be fine with that. Yesterday was all about taxes too, truth be told. I declare myself officially sick of them. Me and every other person working on them this late in the month. And boy, am I going to owe. My mother died last year and now they will make me pay because she had the gall to actually save some of the money she made. The money she was already taxed on. That's the rub. She was taxed for making it, taxed for spending it, taxed for saving it and now taxed for passing it on to her kids. I will be left with more bills than money. The lesson is...bury it in your backyard. It's the only safe place from the government thieves. What's that you say? I'm bitter? Well, maybe a little...
[Edited on Apr 17, 2006 8:49PM]