Hey there SG land.
White Rabbits!!!! Pinch punch first of the month....and all....woah September already eh?
So I am getting ready for university. I'm kind of nervouse really...but totally ready for a change. I just hope that I don't fuck up starting again by repeating the same mistakes I made last time.
I know I'm not going away very far but I will miss a lot from up here - like being able to go into Kendal - and guarantee bumping into someone I know...hanging out at Elinor's house and partaking in serious feminist discussions with Elinor, her mum and two sisters.
Not going to miss how everyone knows your business around here however, especially in Grange.
I say this every time, but this time I actually mean it.
seriously. I am going to steer clear of their kind for the forseeable future. They are nothing but trouble - I should have listened to my mother, she's a very sensible lady. Nope, no boys for me!

I hate it when my blog is bare of pictures. So I added this one from my album. It's when I went to Venice last summer. That was an awsome holiday!
White Rabbits!!!! Pinch punch first of the month....and all....woah September already eh?
So I am getting ready for university. I'm kind of nervouse really...but totally ready for a change. I just hope that I don't fuck up starting again by repeating the same mistakes I made last time.
I know I'm not going away very far but I will miss a lot from up here - like being able to go into Kendal - and guarantee bumping into someone I know...hanging out at Elinor's house and partaking in serious feminist discussions with Elinor, her mum and two sisters.
Not going to miss how everyone knows your business around here however, especially in Grange.
I say this every time, but this time I actually mean it.
seriously. I am going to steer clear of their kind for the forseeable future. They are nothing but trouble - I should have listened to my mother, she's a very sensible lady. Nope, no boys for me!

I hate it when my blog is bare of pictures. So I added this one from my album. It's when I went to Venice last summer. That was an awsome holiday!
I'll stop with the comments now as well. Thanks again for the tips!
Also, nice boobs.