You know i love it when it really rains hard and im inside watching it warm and comfy. Not so cool when i have to go to work and its still pissing it down.
And Shamless plug again. check my f1 column
Its updated. What is annoying is i do an article saying why is kimi so damn slow then he wins! still im not complaining feels like itsbeen ages since a ferrari 1-2
Im tempted to freind whor on myspace to plug it, i have so many friend requests from band and stuff ive never heard of i might as well make some use of that site right? Thought people?
And Shamless plug again. check my f1 column
Its updated. What is annoying is i do an article saying why is kimi so damn slow then he wins! still im not complaining feels like itsbeen ages since a ferrari 1-2
Im tempted to freind whor on myspace to plug it, i have so many friend requests from band and stuff ive never heard of i might as well make some use of that site right? Thought people?
Even better when you are nice and dry and your other half is in a tent. Ha ha ha!
That whole random people requesting friendship is the whole reason I don't use myspace.