Evanescence tickets have come already, quicker than the placebo ones, so there now in the "safe" draw with the lacuna coil, btcc, ross noble tickets,trouble is apart from ross noble all require travel, which will cost or be a stop over, not sure what doing yet tho, think of that another time.
So how to piss me off way no.1
How to piss me off no.2
|So in other news, i think im getting paranoid. And i have good reason to be. When you catch someone slagging you off, a fellow manager no less, then to catch them twice in one day is worse. The classic nice to your face type person who is your bestest friend in the whole wide world and loves everyone including your dog is really a 2 faced slut. Then add to that i seem have timed to perfection to talk to someone when there in a mood, saying "hi what shift you working?" Got my head bitten off by that person. Also im gay, well i apparently i am. News to me like but it turns out that everyone thinks so you are (work again thanks) but when there taking bets on it. Hello what the fuck. since i got back from my management course its been really odd at work, Im apparently gay because of my music taste (marilyn manson is a sure fire sign u like men these days people) And i wear black a lot and i wear black nail varnish. Sorry people thats not gay its called being comfortable with yourself to wear what you want to. Then outside of work i lose a close friend because i wont slag off another friend they hate, well that or i keep an open mind on the matter in hand and wont be biased. I got told (well text) i need to grow up, My crime? I asked them if we were still meeting up as theyd invited me for a drink round theres, (as i write this ive just kind sorted it out, turns out i need to grow up really because suddenly his ex was coming round and he wanted a fuck and rather than be a man and say this he decided to be a little spineless fuck) So with me watchin my back it doesnt help that daydreamer diiapeered til 6am in the morning, long story short she finished work text me at 1am "going for quick drink wont be too long" So i go sleep have my first nighmare for a while, it involved me trapped in a room theres a door in front of me on the other side i can hear a girl screaming for help and a man screaming at her it sounds like hes stabbing her and i cant break this door down no matter how hard i try, I hear another scream then wake up. Feel horrible inside see daydreamer isnt there. Look at the clock 05:45. Its panic time. doesnt answer her mobile, not the 1st 10 times. Now im panicing walking round the house not knowing what to do. All i know is shes somewhere and im useless to do anything. Then at 6ish she finally answers she forgot the time and was waiting for her mates to drop her off. Great 15 mins of heel. Oh and i told a friend i thought i could trust about it. They tell everyone. And the same people ive talked about before that wanna split me and daydreamer up. Did this start them off again? Oh yes. More ammo than ever.
All in all there all just bricks in the wall.
Fuck them at least i can trust myself.
In other news im listening to bands its cool to hate at the moment, metallica, limp bizkit, Now for fall of freds faults, results may vary is an ok album, little to mellow sometimes but ok. Tho the 1st two albums are great 3 dollar bills and significant other are great, the follow up wasnt. but hey, i like it fuck everyone else.
Also love this song at the min, reminds me of rammstien mixed with marilyn manson, deathstars there called. The song is cyanide. It rocks!
Now to go journal/blog reading, ive been slacking as of late (sorry)
I know nowt about racing, but I can see that some twit doing that is fucking annoying.
These people you talk of seem very very childish. Are they like 5 years old?
my mates just give me energy... can boogie like a wild thing if there around!