Anyone remember back in march i wanted go se placebo and after a few days later i went to get the tickets and i got this

Me very miserable then i saw this

think i was going to miss out a 2nd time? so at 2am in the morning i booked to go see them in manchester on the 10th december, really looking forward to it.
Also since i changed my name and up dated my journal/blog 3 of my faourite sgs have a set!!


And fractal

Ah life is good,
its also another f1 weekend so i hope to see more stuff like this

well i hope.
i thought id been deletedoff myspace, well i hoped, It went all funny and said my account had been deleted, i guessed it was because i said to a friend that myspace was a load of crap, but no im still on there, so it seems myspace is also full of bugs too. And tom is not my fucking friend.....

Me very miserable then i saw this

think i was going to miss out a 2nd time? so at 2am in the morning i booked to go see them in manchester on the 10th december, really looking forward to it.
Also since i changed my name and up dated my journal/blog 3 of my faourite sgs have a set!!


And fractal

Ah life is good,
its also another f1 weekend so i hope to see more stuff like this

well i hope.
i thought id been deletedoff myspace, well i hoped, It went all funny and said my account had been deleted, i guessed it was because i said to a friend that myspace was a load of crap, but no im still on there, so it seems myspace is also full of bugs too. And tom is not my fucking friend.....
I'm just lucky I guess!