So i better update, Im getting wrecked tonight at the sugarmill . I need it, and a few friends are coming out so its all good. What can go wrong! Im tempting fate so ill say it again What can go wrong eh? eh? Me be wearing new sg shirt and trying too look good. Trying being the word.
So after tonight ill be saving hard this is my last night out in a while(apart from ross noble almurray gigs already paid for) . From the looks of things we should be able to move in mid-december. Andalthough ill dissapeer for a few days (all depends on ntl, bastards) Ill be back asap. Anyway......
Got my hair cut today as it needed it, the shaving rash has reduced slightly. So i look say 4-5 outta 10. But what bothers me when your getting a hair cut is the bit with the miror at the end showing the back of the head. You always say yep or fine all today i changed it to "cool" But would you ever say if your un happy? Its the back of your head. The only thing that could go wrong i s if there were scissors sticking out of your skull. So i think it would be really funny if one day as he just showed you the back of your head you just sat there as he shows you the side bit and then to the back and your all yep fine great "cool" and stuff then as he gets to the otherside Kepp calm then as he just starts to tint the mirror a little jump up and scream "You bastard what have you done you twat why didnt you tell me you couldnt cut hair my dog could of done a better job why me what have i done to deseve this? why dont you like me why why why WHHHHHHHHHHYYYYYYYYY???? Er yeah fine so its 6 quid as usual then?" That would freak them out ace i wreckon. Make me laugh anyway. Oh well ill update this journal tomorrow as ill be to hung over to start a new one. And go wish happy birthday to quietlythere he deserves a good one and hes a ferrari fan. No more explanation needed. Laters
- The antimeyouandyomomma
So after tonight ill be saving hard this is my last night out in a while(apart from ross noble almurray gigs already paid for) . From the looks of things we should be able to move in mid-december. Andalthough ill dissapeer for a few days (all depends on ntl, bastards) Ill be back asap. Anyway......
Got my hair cut today as it needed it, the shaving rash has reduced slightly. So i look say 4-5 outta 10. But what bothers me when your getting a hair cut is the bit with the miror at the end showing the back of the head. You always say yep or fine all today i changed it to "cool" But would you ever say if your un happy? Its the back of your head. The only thing that could go wrong i s if there were scissors sticking out of your skull. So i think it would be really funny if one day as he just showed you the back of your head you just sat there as he shows you the side bit and then to the back and your all yep fine great "cool" and stuff then as he gets to the otherside Kepp calm then as he just starts to tint the mirror a little jump up and scream "You bastard what have you done you twat why didnt you tell me you couldnt cut hair my dog could of done a better job why me what have i done to deseve this? why dont you like me why why why WHHHHHHHHHHYYYYYYYYY???? Er yeah fine so its 6 quid as usual then?" That would freak them out ace i wreckon. Make me laugh anyway. Oh well ill update this journal tomorrow as ill be to hung over to start a new one. And go wish happy birthday to quietlythere he deserves a good one and hes a ferrari fan. No more explanation needed. Laters
- The antimeyouandyomomma

Hope you can get that place to live; saving isn't too hard in the winter months, staying in is easier. I have a bloody awful neck at the minute, if it makes you feel better.
I didn't realise he used to be in F1. What's the odds the car will look slightly similar to last year's BAR?