I am happy to see my set in MR is still getting some votes. If you haven't seen it yet, please be my guest and check it out
You'll find the link @ the end of this here blog!
Last night I worked at the club, it was a minimal techno night. Not really my kinda music, but it was okay. I was thinking to, soon, do a day in my life photoshoot. Just lotsa snaps through out the day of what I see and do. Haha, better choose an interesting day!
I'll be on here a little less the coming two weeks. But I will return.
By then it will be the SG week in Amsterdam. 2 SG's Denie and Elvira will be staying at my house and hopefully i will have lotsa stores and piccs'a as well
Oh and. somehow, being an SG never quite sinks in you know. I was just watching a video on youtube...and there I was. In someone's favorite SG montage. It's always a surprise, a nice one of course.
I think in my four years on the site there has been 1 time when I felt a little strange about being a SG. Some creep came up to me in the club where I work and he had pics of me on his phone. It was a moment that I didn't or couldn't have prepared for. And for a split second I did feel a twinge. Immediately though overruled by the sense that I have a body that I treat well and care for. It looks good, I enjoy it and fuck it I am not ashamed of me. We, each and every one of us, have a gift. I don't mean that in some religious way. I just mean we are all special in some way or other. We aren't meant to hide it from the world, we're supposed to celebrate it. now I know I'm an extrovert and not everybody is the same. But, if you have a gift and are scared to show it. Scared to dance, to sing, to shine & to use your talent and features to their full potentials. Stop right now. Life is too short.
My mom practically forced me into being a tomboy and I was untill i was about 19. She was brought up a proper little girl as a child, rollers in her hair, not allowed to play in her dresses, white gloves etc etc. She hated it and subsequently in the 70's/80's became a punk....then of course when I was born I wasn't allowed barbies, wasn't allowed most pink or pretty things. Femininity in punk those days was a no no, where as I see it as a strength. You don't have to dress and talk like a man to get a decent job. Fuck those kinda jobs anyway.
So in a nutshell: SG rules, more empowerment to women, who are proud to be women and show it!


Last night I worked at the club, it was a minimal techno night. Not really my kinda music, but it was okay. I was thinking to, soon, do a day in my life photoshoot. Just lotsa snaps through out the day of what I see and do. Haha, better choose an interesting day!

I'll be on here a little less the coming two weeks. But I will return.

Oh and. somehow, being an SG never quite sinks in you know. I was just watching a video on youtube...and there I was. In someone's favorite SG montage. It's always a surprise, a nice one of course.
I think in my four years on the site there has been 1 time when I felt a little strange about being a SG. Some creep came up to me in the club where I work and he had pics of me on his phone. It was a moment that I didn't or couldn't have prepared for. And for a split second I did feel a twinge. Immediately though overruled by the sense that I have a body that I treat well and care for. It looks good, I enjoy it and fuck it I am not ashamed of me. We, each and every one of us, have a gift. I don't mean that in some religious way. I just mean we are all special in some way or other. We aren't meant to hide it from the world, we're supposed to celebrate it. now I know I'm an extrovert and not everybody is the same. But, if you have a gift and are scared to show it. Scared to dance, to sing, to shine & to use your talent and features to their full potentials. Stop right now. Life is too short.
My mom practically forced me into being a tomboy and I was untill i was about 19. She was brought up a proper little girl as a child, rollers in her hair, not allowed to play in her dresses, white gloves etc etc. She hated it and subsequently in the 70's/80's became a punk....then of course when I was born I wasn't allowed barbies, wasn't allowed most pink or pretty things. Femininity in punk those days was a no no, where as I see it as a strength. You don't have to dress and talk like a man to get a decent job. Fuck those kinda jobs anyway.
So in a nutshell: SG rules, more empowerment to women, who are proud to be women and show it!


En moet inderdaad nog steeds komen feesten, ik wil nu echt naar Ruigoord!
Fijn weekend, dikke kus!