I wrote an application for a new job today. The design and implementation of narcotics abuse prevention educational materials and products for schools (does that make sens in English?).
A great job. I love narcotics, I love kids. I hate seeing the 2 mix
No but seriously, I have the right degree for the job. I have the right experience (professionally). It's the same amount of hours as I work now, 24, but pays tons better. I hope I hope I hope I hear within now and 2 weeks if I can go for an actual interview.
I use drugs now and then. In moderation I see nothing wrong with them. In my opinion you must understand what you are taking though and why. There is no use, especially in a city like Amsterdam where drugs are so readily available just saying "drugs are bad kids". You have to be realistic and drug problems really set in when they are used for the wrong reasons. Like escapism, "my life sucks so I use drugs", "I have no confidence, so I use drugs", "my work is so boring so I use", or worst perhaps "all my friends use, so I do to". Making kids stronger, more self assured, arming them enough to dare to say no, helping them figure out what they want to do with their life and saying "hey, drugs are out there and can be fun, but....be careful of what/why/when" is a frame work that suits this city much better.
Please keep fingers crossed for me.
Not quite narcotics....but almost, cutest kid ever!

No but seriously, I have the right degree for the job. I have the right experience (professionally). It's the same amount of hours as I work now, 24, but pays tons better. I hope I hope I hope I hear within now and 2 weeks if I can go for an actual interview.
I use drugs now and then. In moderation I see nothing wrong with them. In my opinion you must understand what you are taking though and why. There is no use, especially in a city like Amsterdam where drugs are so readily available just saying "drugs are bad kids". You have to be realistic and drug problems really set in when they are used for the wrong reasons. Like escapism, "my life sucks so I use drugs", "I have no confidence, so I use drugs", "my work is so boring so I use", or worst perhaps "all my friends use, so I do to". Making kids stronger, more self assured, arming them enough to dare to say no, helping them figure out what they want to do with their life and saying "hey, drugs are out there and can be fun, but....be careful of what/why/when" is a frame work that suits this city much better.
Please keep fingers crossed for me.

Not quite narcotics....but almost, cutest kid ever!

En ik heb nooit meer iets van Patries gehoord eigenlijk... ik moet haar echt mailen zeer binnenkort.
Dat zei ik 2 maanden geleden ook al geloof ik...
Ik moet het ECHT gaan doen. Dit weekend nog!